Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chunkster Challenge 2009 - Anna K

I joined the Chunkster Challenge and started reading my first big book of the year (I like big books, and I cannot lie...). I got about 1/4 of the way through. I am not giving up though. I just picked the wrong book to start with, I think. I also chose to start a giant of a book right as I went off of my ADHD medication. Can we say Return of the Short Attention Span?

I chose to read Anna Karenina.

I know, I know. But it was HUGE and calling to me from the shelves at B&N. Only $7 for this beautiful tome with the pretty pages. And what a beautiful name to say, "Karenina." It feels so pretty on my tongue.

I was sucked in pretty quickly, believe it or not. I quite enjoyed Part I of the book. Part II was harder to get into. Anna began to get on my nerves. I took a break to read my book group selection for the month (before finding out I wasn't going to Book Group). I picked Anna K back up and read for 2 hours at the doctor's office, Sunday. It isn't pulling me back in. I need to quit being annoyed with Anna. So, another break for me. I will read this whole book in 2009. It will just be in pieces.

Anyone already read it? Can you tell me if it gets good again? It was reminding me very much of a Russian version of Jane Austen for a while. Is anyone else completely annoyed by Anna herself? She seems shallow to me. I don't "see" this great love affair with Vronsky. It feels 2-dimensional. Go on. Gasp. I said 2-dimensional while speaking of the greatest novel ever written (according to some literary critics I have come upon).

I will not give up.


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