The timing of this book in my life is perfect, b/c it is time for The Fantastical Challenge over at The Nattie Challenge.
I had been lax in updating The Nattie Challenge blog, after the loss of my laptop and regular Internet access. But, she is back up and running. The challenge is explained if you click one of the links above. I have a whole list of Young Adult fantasy I have been meaning to read. I tend to prefer YA Fantasy for some reason. Feel free to hypothesize.
I found this printed at the start of one of Inkheart's chapters. I wonder if I could have it printed up on stickers to put inside my favorite books for when I lend them out. ;) This is from an apparently fictional monastery in San Pedro, Spain.
It makes me giggle. Corey called me last night, and I answered mid-chuckle. I tried to explain how this is funny, but I don't think he gets it. Do you?For him that Stealeth a Book from this Library,
Let it change into a Serpent in his hand & rend him.
Let him be struck with Palsy, & all his Members blasted.
Let him languish in Pain crying aloud for Mercy,
Let there be no Surcease to his Agony till he sink to Dissolution.
Let Bookworms gnaw his Entrails in token of the Worm that dieth not,
When at last he goeth to his final Punishment,
Let the flames of hell consume him for ever & aye.
I think it's funny :-) but I'm bookish like of course I get it!